
Unsteady Return



05-22-2013, 11:50 AM

Walk | Talk | Think

The slim grey wolf considered Ookami's words as she followed the black and white she-wolf to the dens, feeling as if she knew this lesson all too well now, had ended up learning it the hard way. She had been naive to seek help from someone that was a stranger to her, thought she should have been able to pick up on his instability well before he had attacked her. How had she missed it? Had she really been so desperate for help to let it happen? It was embarrassing to say the least, and she was really lucky an injured leg was all she had walked away with. From the spark that had been in the wolf's eyes, she was sure he could have done much worse if given the chance.

When asked how it was she had met Thane, Ashtoreth smiled around the pain of movement jostling her suspended leg as she hobbled along beside the pregnant Warrior. "I work with him," she answered simply, taking a moment to maneuver herself a little easier before continuing. "I'm a hunter, so I take direction from him. He's really good at what he does. I'm happy to work with him." Her respect for the wolf was possibly evident in her tone as she spoke of him, and she was more than happy to share her good opinion of Thane with his wife. It only seemed fitting that she know what an integral role he played in the territory so that she knew she had chosen well in her mate.

Before she could be given a chance to possibly ask a question of her own an unexpected, unfamiliar voice called out to the pair of them. Stopping her limping gait, Ash perked her ears and turned her head to regard the stranger cautiously, hesitant to trust someone who was not of her pack when she had had such disastrous results the last time she had tried. Still, it was not in her to be completely impolite or to write the she-wolf off as a menace before meeting her and determining for certain. "We're off to get assistance right now," she answered carefully, lowering her injured leg so that her toes touched the ground once more in a meager effort at making herself seem sound and not physically unstable. But it was going to be an awfully long walk back to the center of the pack lands where the dens rested... "You're a healer?" she echoed, unable to ignore how nice it would be to get her leg tended to now rather than later, if she could find a healer within their ranks at all.