



5 Years
11-12-2014, 09:31 AM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2014, 09:35 AM by Newol.)
Monster - Eminem

Yeah, you think I'm Crazy. Well That's Not Bad!!

Newol just sat there and watched the woman beside him as she slowly stirred herself from slumber. He fond himself wondering. Wondering about Fate. He had stayed here, in Alacritis, on a whim. There had been many times where he could have moved right along and gone somewhere else. There had been time where he'd been so very close to doing just that. But he'd remained. He'd hid away from the world and bellowed his sorrows and anger into the stone walls around him. And he'd healed. And time had rewarded his patience, putting all the pieces back where they properly belonged. Perhaps the road he'd walked had been to lead him here all along. He knew that if he hadn't, he would love what he had now as much as he did.

Being alone did that to you. So did losing everything you had, not once, but twice. It made you greatfull for what you did have when you had it. Just one of the many lessons that he wished he could share with the world. Newol didn't deny that there was a blackness that festered in his soul. But unlike others, he disowned it. He refused to let it govern him. He would not be vengeful. Because when you flaunted the darkness in you, it left stains on all those around you. And some people where held together too lightly for that. They where bound together by nothing but weak thread and good intentions and thus shattered easily. And the last thing he wanted going to pieces when they where just trying to get themselves straight. Because getting yourself straightened out was such a beautiful. It was redemption at it's finest. You learned going down that road. You learned to love and to share and to be kind. It made you stronger than everyone else. Because the strongest people in the world where the ones who set down the past and moved the fekk along with their lives.

And that was where Newol had finally arrived at, thanks to his mother Erani, and his companion Serra. The book was closed now. All the Riddles in the Dark, they didn't matter anymore. What mattered was right here beside him. That's what she'd given him, and she didn't even know it. Of course, she didn't need to know it. She just needed to be there, by his side. And the rest was history. And it was on this string of thought that he realized what he wanted most. Everything else became all at once, Secondary. This is what he wanted most. He wanted his family. It's what he'd always wanted. Family was what mattered. There was no manor of Royalty or moral right that could change that.

So now there was only one question left to ask, but he wasn't sure how to go about doing so. For all his intellect, for all the genius that he had and the ruthlessly fast rate of speed at which he thought, he couldn't find the right way to ask. There where words that existed to properly ask someone to bind their soul to yours for all eternity. There was no sentiment powerful enough. It was nothing to do with mental capability. It strictly an activity of the Soul. And so, he brought his maw to rest on top of her neck, his eyes closing as he placed one paw on hers. Taking a deep breath he stopped and analyzed himself for a moment. And from there he realized that every single aspect of his soul wanted this. The angel in him wanted to take care of her and give her everything within his power that she wanted. To shower her in his love and affection. And the Demon in him wanted to rattle the very Earth to it's foundation and make the skies fall to the ground in her name.

And with that, it was settled. Finally, his voice met the air and he spoke. He didn't chose his words because he knew he couldn't. He just spoke. "Serra. Will you be my mate? I'm imperfect, and so are you. But together, we're closer to perfection than we ever are on our own. I don't want to spend this life alone anymore. I'm sick of that. Now I just want you." This world was nuts. This world was straight off it's chair. To live in it Was Insanity. And to have someone beside you to ride the storm out was the difference between a miserable struggle for survival and a Damn Good Time. It went back to an old saying.

Insanity is a sad asylum unless your Among Friends.
"Burn Baby Burn"