
The Call

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-13-2014, 10:38 PM

The rich smell of hare surrounded her as her mate stepped into the den, clusters of snow still visible in his ivory pelt as he sat beside her, pushing the still bleeding carcass over to her. He was right, Winter was fast approaching which meant very little food, but most importantly, mating. A shiver ran up her spine as she recalled the fact that her season was close and the fact that her mate was even closer. A small cloud of fog rose from her nostrils as she sighed deeply. She didn't wish to eat, she wanted to talk, but she knew that her mate would become upset if she didn't eat properly and so without hesitation she blankly ate the warm hare, the taste of blood flowing across her tastebuds as she munched on the tasty hare.

Once half way through the hare she nudged the leftovers to her mate, knowing that he was too kind to have eaten before seeing her. She wondered if the scent of her new friend, Migi, still lingered on her coat. She hoped not, for she worried that if it did, they would argue. A flash of worry crossed her silver gaze as she turned to face her mate, what if he decided to take the pups, she couldn't let that happen. She refused to be away from them. "Thank you for the meal, love, but I am a hunter you know..." she hinted, a giggle escaping from her onyx lips as she struggled to hold it in. Her mate seemed to think she was a princess, unable to do anything but love.

All happy thoughts were pushed far away as she remembered the real purpose she had called for him. "I-I actually need to speak to you about something..." she stated, worry laced through her tone as she stared into her mate's golden orbs. She needed to get this over with, she couldn't worry about this for any longer, plus it would be soon that her season arrived and she needed to be sure that having this litter was the right idea, that her and her love wouldn't separate before they were even born. A frown etched across her features as she looked back towards the ground. What would he say?
