



7 Years
11-12-2014, 02:40 PM

Lebrah was clueless to the fear that made the woman step back, he was more focused on the fact that there was a real live wolf here. He wanted help, and he was all alone. She was the first wolf that he had seen since he lost his parents, and all he wanted to do was be near her. He was acting very much like a child, although he did not understand why she was so tense. He wasn't going to hurt her! He just wanted to be close... He had already forgotten that he was coated in mud, that was probably another turn off for the stranger. As he whined and fell at her feet, the woman asked him if he was okay. He blinked, hadn't he said that he was lost? Confusion swirled in his golden eyes, looking up at her with depths of utter lost. "I'm lost!" He whined, English words flowing from his mouth with no hassle at all. Poor beast didn't even know that he had spoken German to her before. His mind was such a broken place, that he really believed that it had all been in English. Thankfully, this time it really had been in a language that this stranger could understand.

Lebrah became a pool of fur and mud at her paws, numerous whines leaving his mouth. It was almost as if he had no idea what to do with himself, now that he had found someone. His somehow spotless tail thumped on the ground in a slow rhythm, and it was not hard to see that this man was truly in a child state of mind. The whines did not stop to leave his inky lips, his body twitching this way and that. He had no idea what to do with himself, and it would be no surprise if the woman would turn tail and run. But he needed help, desperately. Lebrah so clearly needed some sort of direction and care, but why would he? He looked his age, his body was filled out and at full height. His eyes were beginning to dull with age, but the gleam of his childhood mind played with them. It was hard to tell what age he was really... everything was contradicting. And you know, he was coated in a good layer of mud.

The male rested his head, wiggling his body forward until his mud caked nose came close to her paws. He stretched forward, trying to bump one of her paws ever so gently. He just wanted to make sure that he was real, because in his dreams he saw many different wolves that he didn't know. It confused him, he wasn't sure who they were or how he knew him. Little did he know that they were demons of his past. He saw their ghosts sometimes as he wandered, and needed to know that she was real. "Please help me missus."