

Virgil I


4 Years
11-12-2014, 11:08 PM
Victory is not something easily taken. She?d won fair and honest; no tricks, no deception. It had been strength against strength, and once more her strength had found itself superior to Katja?s. And yet, of course there could be no accepting of this. Crowns were challenged for often; such is the way of life. This time it had, admittedly, been personal, but she hadn?t killed the ebon woman. She had merely freed her children. ?You would fault me, sir, for freeing my children? I gave her weeks to heal, so this would be an even fight. I won with no trickery, just a simple matter of superior skill, and yet you find fault with her weakness in me,? she says with a snort.

Defenses fall into place; legs spread equally apart, weight evenly distributed across all four grounded limbs, toes spread, claws bite into the soil for traction, limbs bend, body lowers and with it her center of gravity, tail wavers out behind her large bodice, shoulders roll, hackles rise, head lowers to align with her spine, neck scrunches, jaws part, chin tucks, eyes narrow, ears pin backwards, muscles tense slightly.

She aches from her previous wounds. Her chest is bruised (although her fur hides it, so this might not be a noticeable injury), her shoulder bruised, her muzzle and elbow bleed. None of these things, however, are sufficient enough to stop the goddess from her assault. She seeks to close the three foot distance (OOC: distance confirmed by nyx) swiftly, aiming to approach head on. However, she hopes to, at perhaps last moment, move to her own left. Right shoulder seeks to slam into the center of Kaprasius?s chest. Virgil?s body lowers even further, head seeking to sneak beneath Kaprasius?s jaws. Her head turns to her own right, jaws parting, hoping to bite down around his vocal chords near the top of his throat, close to his jaw.
Her wishes? To damage his vocals, to rid him of his ignorant voice. Her top jaw seeks to land on Kaprasius?s upper front left side neck, her bottom jaws aiming slightly lower on his upper right side neck. Meanwhile, her left leg lifts, weight redistributing across her three grounded limbs. She aims to hit the middle of Kaprasius?s lower outside front right leg, seeking to knock his limb off balance. She wants to be able shove him off balance with a combination of her chest and leg attack, and then she hopes for a grip that will give her a good chance at pinning him down and punishing him. She hopes to inflict damage he will forever remember.

virgil vs. kapra for damage to vocal chords