



7 Years
11-13-2014, 12:18 AM

No matter what he did, or how he acted, it seemed like this woman was still afraid of him. He had no idea why, he was small and lost and all alone. More and more whines came from his maw, cries of a helpless creature. He just needed to be near another, to feel comfort and love. But she seemed hesitant, although Lebrah seemed to not notice it. When he had finally been allowed to shuffle close enough to her to touch his nose to her paw, a big puff of air leaving his lungs. His body finally flopped down to the ground in relief. She was real, warm, and here. The small wolf wiggled a bit closer, trying to fit the entirety of his head on her paws. He just needed physical contact, craved it even. His whole body started to relax, his cries and whines bubbling down to soft whimpers. Sometimes there was even a gap of silence between them, as he just breathed in and out, resting close to this strange woman. His lids closed, 'c' like markings the only yellow to be seen. He felt calm enough to sleep, something that he had not been able to do for awhile.

The woman spoke, asking how she could help him. Opening one eye he gazed up at her again, letting out a little huff. He didn't really know how she could help, he just wanted to not feel so lost anymore. It was draining on him, and it made the nightmares even worse. "Can you make the scary things at night go away? And maybe... I dunno... be my momma?" He asked, opening his other eye to blink slowly up at the stranger. He didn't even know her name, but that didn't matter. He needed a mother, a caretaker, and she was the first wolf that he had seen. Clever, right? His tail picked up the pace on the earth, beating at a steady pace. Surely she couldn't turn him down, right? He was adorable! And coated in mud from head to toe, but still. He had forgotten all about the mud, didn't even realize it anymore.

Wiggling even closer to the stranger he tried to press his nose against her tan leg, a soft whine pressing through his lips. "I promise I will be a good boy missus, honest! I can be good, real good!" He yipped softly, a bit of his personality shining through now that he had been allowed that small amount of contact. His whole body started to wiggle slightly again, although this time it was from a much more happy cause. He might have a momma, he had promised to be good after all! All he needed was a good bath and he would be brand new! Lebrah didn't really like bathes, but there was no way that this stranger would know that. Or his name. Right. Should he tell her? It had completely slipped his mind, just as it did once more. He probably wouldn't say it until asked, since there seemed to be a million other things on his mind.