
The thirst that needs to be quenched.



11-13-2014, 07:08 AM

Her russet fur brushed the ground as she turned back over onto her stomach, no longer giving her master the ability to see the soft fur. As he strolled over to her, his aqua pools would flash with mischievousness, as would the smile that crossed his onyx lips. Her seductive gaze would land upon his muscular chest, trailing down his ebony back and ending at the tip of his inky black tail. She wanted him, bad.

A smile would cross her lips as he spoke slowly into her ebony ears, making them twitch slightly. What did he have planned? Anticipation boiled inside of her as she looked towards the male, her master. "I will do anything you wish.." she stated slowly, putting a pause after anything. She meant it, after all she had already told him that she was his property for the night, and she never went back on her word. "All you have to do, Master, is give me the command.." she added, suggestion and hidden meaning seeping between her sultry words.

She would play this game until the end, pleasing the larger male until he could take no more. This game was her's and she was going to make sure he knew it. She was going to make him beg for more.

Made by the lovely Anastasia