
What In The Hay Is Goin' On Here!? {Join - Isokan}


11-13-2014, 11:54 AM
So that was it then? Quelt felt he could no longer lead them and her uncle had truly left. Renhet was missing too. Aiko felt her heart ache. Her family... what had been left of it... was falling apart again. To make matters worse his uncle wasn't just into that other woman she was his mate. She felt bitterness rise in her heart, along with the hurt, and her gaze would lower to the ground. If her family was falling apart and leaving where did that leave her? What would become of her? She felt so alone... and the black furred girl realized the mistake of clinging just to her uncle. Now she had no one left that she really knew. Sure Ixxion was her brother but... they'd hardly been close.

Aiko just felt like crying. Just breaking down and giving up, right then and there. What was going to become of her now? Arian offered her a place in Isokan once more... it was more than she had to go to anywhere else. She would swallow hard, slowly lifting her head. Her red-orange eyes were misty with the tears that wanted to fall, though she was trying so hard to keep them from doing so.

"I... I wanna stay..." Aiko felt that in the other's leaving without a word to her individually it meant that they didn't care for her anymore. This probably wasn't really the case, but her naive mind would automatically assume the worst. "But... I don't really know... what I'd be good at... my... my uncle had been trying to teach me defenses for battle but that's it. I don't... I don't know anything else." Aiko lowered her gaze again. I'm useless... and they know it.