
The World Ahead



3 Years
Extra large
11-13-2014, 12:30 PM

He'd had some doubts but this was the best choice he decided, here with Warja perhaps the only wolf he felt he could rely on if he had to. His mother had gone, Sarak apparently reappeared only when the time suited him and Soren, whilst his brother had never hurt him and Kismet still cared deeply for him though he'd always had Soren's back, never really the other way around. His siblings would hopefully be fine, he would look out for them as best as he could but he wasn't going to leave this behind.

Thinking? Was plotting perhaps a better word? He still recalled the freedom celebration she had chosen, taking him deep beneath the earth where the only light had come from the burning river of lava. The warrior princess had calmed in personality since their days as children though there was certainly still a wild streak within her.

Before Kismet could give her any sort of response however another voice would ring through the air. A stranger to the russet marked male though clearly she knew Warja. Another member of Secretua perhaps? He would remain silent as the the two women discussed something, it sounded like it had been a serious matter and one part of Kismet felt perhaps he should slip away and catch up with Warja later. The other part however, a little more selfish in thought would much prefer for Emma to leave. Of course there was the option to stay and the three of them talk, once that he would consciously choose though the second still seemed rather appealing.