
None the less I must confess



7 Years

11-13-2014, 04:49 PM

The call that rang out made him jump up so fast that he nearly bumped his head on the roof of his den. Scolding himself with a few choice curse words he looked down at his wife, giving her a small kiss on the head before racing out of the den. It had been nearly two season since he saw his brother, and with all the raging hormones around it would be great to have some time alone with him before their sisters arrived. Plus, he had a lot to tell the boy. So he raced across the plains, easily picking out his tan and white brother, skidding to a stop before him. His tail picked up and wagged behind him as he lovingly nuzzled him. "Chord, I am so glad to see you." He breathed, eying him with love as well as relief. Sitting down in front of him, he wondered if he should unload all the information now, or wait until they all got here. But then he remembered just how big Motif was getting... Probably best to let him know before he had a heart attack.

"You've missed a lot since you've last been here, brother." Bass said, his pale tail curling around his paws as he cleared his throat. What was the best way to go about all of this? "Well..." he started, taking in a deep breath, "I have a mate, her name is Wren. She is now expecting pus, although it wasn't her season." The boy was still highly suspicious that there was baby making things in Abaven's water. "She isn't the only one either... Motif got pregnant outside of her season, as well as one other Abaven member. None in season." He said with a groan, eying Chord to see if he was going to have a heart attack or not. "Motif err... came back to Abaven, instead of staying with the father of her pups." He was still unsure how to deal with this. On one paw he didn't want her out of his sight, but in another... He didn't want her to be unhappy. "Harmony has also become sparse... its not unsual to not hear from her for weeks at a time." Letting out a sigh, Bass sat quietly and allowed Chord to take this all in... it was a lot of heavy information after all.