
One went out

Dutiron i


8 Years
11-13-2014, 06:02 PM

Dutiron had been feeling rather weak to be honest, the illness seeping through his body had left him feeling awful and it certainly didn't help that he suspected that Novel too was suffering only because he had passed it to her and in turn the same for Frith. It was rather unfortunate that the only other one in the pack to get ill besides he and his mate was his daughter's mate, the one who he had initially frowned upon. It certainly hadn't been on purpose, the young man had simply tried to be far too helpful and stuck around long enough to catch it as well.

It tortured him that he was missing so much, the growth of his children, grandchildren and great grandchildren three generations growing up together was quite an amazing story and here he was missing it all. No one yet had had the heart to inform he and Novel that Sonnet, Envoi and Limerick had gone missing and given that most visits had been banned after Frith had caught the illness they had been able to lie to the pair.

He was moving in and out of consciousness as he heard a voice calling. It took a few moments for him to realise that the call was for him and longer still to place the voice. It was only as shaky paws carried him to the entrance that his gaze settled upon the familiar form. Chord, he had tried to visit at some point before, it could have been yesterday for all Dutiron knew, he'd lost track of the days now. He would sit down once more, mismatched eyes looking towards the young man, he would open his mouth to speak though a sudden cough would grasp him and he'd turn his head away. Fortunately it was over as swiftly as it had arrived and now he would try once more to speak. "You're not supposed to be here Chord." He'd inform him simply, for once his observation skills somewhat lacking and not immediately picking up upon the boy's mood. He would frown though as it occurred to him that something wasn't right. "What's wrong?"