
One went out

Dutiron i


8 Years
11-13-2014, 06:17 PM

Chord would stand in silence for a moment, words apparently not able to find him. Dutiron knew he felt bad, if he looked even half as bad as that then he was sure it was surprising for the poor boy. Novel too he was aware was hardly at her best right now a fact that depressed him far more than his own state could. Was she still asleep now? He would listen though wouldn't turn to look behind, gaze fixed upon Chord now as he awaited his grandson's explanation for the distress.

The news was certainly not what he had expected to hear and to be honest he was rather hurt that it hadn't been revealed earlier. Although it would have been nice for them to stay here in Threar with Novella, growing up alongside Aslan, Varda and Herne even in his current state Dutiron could understand that the escape from this was probably good right now. He wished the entire pack could escape though sadly this was not the case.

"Your Aunt Novella was very much the same. Set off to find Song all on her own." Dutiron recalled. It was hardly a fond memory in some ways, he had hated seeing his children leaving as they all had though it was wonderful that they had reunited. He had feared he would never see Song again, certainly never expected that she would have forgiven them and the entire family could get along once more. A soft smile would form at the memories and the comparison, if the three of them were anything like their elder siblings they would do wonderfully in life.

"Is everything else ok?" He would question the boy again now, another cough tickled the back of his throat, he controlled it as best as he could a small spluttering sound still sounding before he somewhat regained his breathing again.