
Something In The Water



4 Years
11-13-2014, 06:20 PM

Nona had approched the group slowly a rather distressed look upon her face from her constant running about to get her herb collection restocked for the coming seasons and very much the time when the others would begin to give birth to their pups. This had actually weighed heavily upon her at the thought that perhaps she wouldn't have a chance at having pups of her own but nonetheless she had Allen but where was he as of late. Granted she thought he was a busy man what with rank in the pack again but that didn't mean he could possibly be avoiding her, could it? she would have to try and speak to him later. For now she finally moved into the group and found a suitable spot to sit most likely off to the side where she wouldn't be taking center stage of Bass and Motif's attention.

She sat there quietly keeping to herself wondering what this meeting would be about but wouldn't bother to ask as she would more than likely find out. For now though Nona didn't quite feel like a Vor here let alone a proper Kruni... was what Bass asked of her just words with no meaning. Hopefully she would get to see Allen but what would she do if she didn't she began to wonder. Nona would have to hope for the best if she didn't want Bass to figure out her current thoughts especially trying to hide her thoughts from Motif as it seemed she had too much to deal with right now.

-Allen (her mate) is allowed to join any thread Nona is involved in-