
One went out

Dutiron i


8 Years
11-13-2014, 06:31 PM

Though he hadn't been sure what news to expect from Chord one thing was for certain that Dutiron had not expected what Chord now told him. He had spent much of his life worrying over his sister, caring for her and trying to keep her going during times when he had expected her to give up on life. Ilthlarn had killed her spirit, although Satu and Cirala had helped her in ways that Dutiron had never been able to his sister had never been the same wolf she once had in their childhood, optimistically looking forwards to a nice and happy life.

What was there to say now though? One child had been taken from her, an emotionless shell of a man returning and refusing to stay and embrace the love she had to offer. Her other two daughters had fled too and more devastating to Dutiron than either of those things was the fact that he had left her. He had led the happy life she had once been destined for, had a large loving family beyond her and he had left her behind. He should have stayed, made sure she was ok but he had sought his children out instead, unable to let them go in the way that even his sister had managed.

And now she had gone.

It didn't seem real but even so that little revelation was enough to break Dutiron. He had let his sister down and apparently he could not fix that fact. An empty gaze would stare vacantly past Chord now as the news settled and ate at him, the world around him fading away, mind shutting all his senses out as pain and guilt consumed him.