
The Call

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-13-2014, 10:01 PM

She leaned her pale body against the large slate wall, coldness coursing through her veins as she seeped down into the soft layer of snow, flurries landing upon her alabaster snout, masking with the pure white and melting at the warm touch. A sigh escaped her lips, billowing a gust of warm air out of her muzzle and letting another freezing one in, creating a mass of fog that surrounded her silver eyes, preventing her from seeing more so than even than the snow flurries. For miles the tundra stretched as far as she could see, the pure snow unmarked besides her trail of small paw prints leading up to the great barrier of gray. She seemed to be alone.

At the sudden feeling of loneliness, her thoughts enveloped her, dragging her under their harsh thoughts and words until finally reaching a point of sanity. Pups. The sudden thought of her future litters rose into her mind, whirling thoughts around at top speeds as she continued to think of her life with her precious mate. Her alabaster tail swept over her shivering haunches, attempting to keep her warm in the breezes of snow. At an instant, all seemed to freeze. Her silver orbs widened and her breathing hitched in her throat. Her pack. What would she do once she had the litter? She had already told her alpha that it was not an issue and that they would most definitely be staying with her, but what if Suzaro had changed his mind over the course of the days that had gone by, his presence neither seen nor heard. What if he decided to take the pups from her?

An urgent howl arose from her inky lips as she called for a mate. Her howl was a distinct one, one that her mate would recognize as her own if she called loud enough. Raising her pitch she howled once more, ensuring that the alabaster male had heard her call. She needed to speak with him. Lowering her slender crown back down she sat, shivering, in await for the response of her mate, looking at the horizon, awaiting the shadow of his muscular body to appear soon. This was urgent, and she needed him now.
