
The Call



4 Years
11-13-2014, 10:19 PM
The alabaster male had begun to start to hunt for Trica. The snow had fallen in slow droplets, dropping down upon his coat and surrounding it in small flakes. He went to go down upon his knees and charged forward, shaking the life out of the hare that he had caught for his mate. A smile overcame him in an instant, when a distinct howl arose into the air and reverberated throughout his lobes. His ears perked forward as he remembered the sound of Trica's howl and ran over to where she had been located. The howl seemed urgent, for she must really need him as the hare bounced against his ebony lips, small drops of blood landing onto the freshly laid snow that covered the landscape. Golden optics only focused on what was ahead, nothing mattered to the brute accept for reaching his mate if something was wrong.

When he reached the den they were staying in, he dropped the hare down and pushed it over to Trica, a small smile crossing his lips as his golden orbs focused on the alabaster she-wolf. He loved her too much, and ever since the incident that had occurred with herself and Migi, he had become jealous and made sure to stay even closer to the woman as possible. A small pool of blood surrounded the hare as he looked to his mate.

"Please eat, Trica, you need keep your energy up. Since winter is coming soon, it will be harder for me to find a meal so please eat while you can," he explained to her and walked over beside her, his large paws causing the snow to crunch underneath the pressure and spread apart, showing his prints. He laid down beside her and wrapped his tail around her bodice and brought her close to him, sharing the warmth that his body possessed with her. He did not care about himself, he only cared about her.