
Roses blossom from thy tears


05-22-2013, 03:48 PM
a sigh of relief escaped his maw as he heard the news of the puppies' health; they were alright. That was good, no, it was great! His tail slightly wagged but not too much so he wouldn't get too carried away. The brute could now take in everything. He was going to be a father! By the stars from the skies above, who would have thought. A smile appeared on his maw as his aqua blue gaze settled on Ookami. He took in her appearance and just thought about it for a moment.

What lay ahead of the two; so much lay ahead that it was just a great thought. A couple years ago the male would have never thought he would live to see the day. Thane nuzzled Ookami back after she did so.

Then he gave a nod of thanks as she said they both appreciated Loccian's help. It was true, every single bit of help she gave the brute would remember. He looked down at Ookami as she leaned against him and licked her muzzle.

Thane turned his aqua blue gaze back towards Loccian after.

"Thank you Loccian; as Ookami has said we're both very grateful for your help."

"How as Seracia been for you and Octavian? I'm guessing you two are doing quite well no? I haven't ran into the brute since our first run-in. " he asked casually.