
Because I Love You



11 Years
11-18-2014, 01:29 AM
The male wolf pinched the fur of Tahlia's chin with a nip and trailed his fangs along her throat to the base of her neck. Bane gave a devious smile and pressed his shoulder against her until she lay down upon her back. Even as he loomed over her another growl reverberate against her chest as his forelegs slide along the side of her neck. Perhaps he had recovered from the male centered work, even as he propped up her neck with a few inward shifts of his ankles. Or maybe it was the fact that his wife was so vulnerable right now that caused Bane to continue down this path. However letting her be the one deciding on what to do. All she had to do was ask. Wether it would be a whisper against his cheek or the press of a paw against his chest now that he had Tahlia on her back.

And he would tease her all the way until he heard her decision. Tender nips administered as his muzzle roved along the side of her throat till it was just above her shoulder.?"Yes." Bane finally rumbled in response to her question.?"Does the word 'woo' come to mind?" The blind male whispered into an ear. "Should you absolutely need my specific services right now, I won't stop you from having your way with me." Even blind Bane's remaining eye held some of its old weight regarding it's range of expressing emotions. "I've been meaning to ask you something for quite some time actually. Why do you let me do how I do? Despite it obviously being your season.?Not once has there ever been a no to our urges." A strange question certainly for a time like this and it hopefully wouldn't kill the mood. But he was curious. Considering what they had spent the last score of moments enjoying the intimacy of husband and wife rather begged the overdue question.
Bane •nx Tahlia x-q Anais ono Jakart •n• Nako •n• Lior •n• Kailos •n• Espirit •n•