



7 Years
11-14-2014, 01:06 AM

He just couldn't contain his excitement now that the possibility of finding someone to care for him came up. She was allowing the contact that he was searching for, and was the nicest wolf he had ever met. Well, she was the first wolf that he had met, but... Still! She was nice and pretty, and was dealing with his silly antics. A soft giggle left his maw, something that sounded so out of place coming from a wolf that looked as old as he. But to him, he truly was a young wolf. His mind had been reset, forced to the last place where he felt safe and adored. So here he was, groveling at this strangers paws for her to take him in. He needed to be protected and loved, that was all he was searching for. A place to belong, to just be. He wanted the scary things at night to go away, and maybe this woman could make them do that. He didn't want to see the images any more. It would seem that no matter how much he tried to forget, they always found a way back to him.

The stranger asked his name, and he barked out a sharp laugh. How silly of him! He rolled onto his mostly clean back, wiggling back and forth on the ground as he looked up at her similar hued eyes. "Lebrah!" He said happily, his tongue falling from his maw. His head tilted to the left, looking quizzically up at her. "I bet your name isn't missus. What do I call you?" He asked, forgetting about what he had asked from her before. It was certainly a good distraction, but a floating leaf would have taken his mind off of it.

The boy poked his upside down face towards her leg again, only seeming to be calm when at least a part of him was touching her. He took in a deep breath, his eyes closing as his mud coated body relaxed. "You smell pretty. Like... a home." He said softly, his front paws flipping over his exposed belly. The single gold band around his left leg jiggled about at it touched his claws, as he absentmindedly lifted the fore paw so that it fell further back up his leg. He didn't want it falling off now! Not that it ever did, but it did come close at times.