
The Call

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-14-2014, 11:46 AM

A hesitant smile graced her ebony lips as her mate pulled her closer, heat flooding through her veins as she got lost in his warm touch. She didn't want to ever leave his side, she didn't want to ever have to spend a night alone again, without him by her side. He was her other half, and whether she admitted it or not, she needed him more than anyone. These past few days without him by her side, whiteout his words whispering in her ears, had been too much for her to handle. She needed him, she wouldn't be able to go through all of this without him, and she surely didn't want to go through any more without his alabaster coat by her side. They were made for each other, that much she knew.

Reluctantly, she pulled her crown away from his downy soft chest fur and looked into his goldenrod depths. A hint of worry was buried in his gaze, he seemed to be thinking about their future as well, but perhaps she thought she knew him more than she did. Thoughts stormed her mind, forcing the smile to be tugged away from her lips and a frown appeared in its place. A sense of apprehension settled in her core as she looked back towards the snow the lined the floor below them. Images of tiny paw prints crossed her mind as she imagined a happy family in the depths of winter. Shaking these thoughts from her mind she looked back towards her mate, her silver gaze meeting his gold one.

"Well..." she began, wondering how she should best bring up this conversation to the ivory male. A grimace crossed her features as she started again, "Our litter. Umm...what will we do if we aren't in the same pack?" she blurted, stuttering as she continued to ramble on, "I have to see those pups and I really want you to see them too and I just don't know if we can continue doing this. My alpha stepped down, leaving a new alpha in her place and I just don't know how she will react to me leaving constantly." Words flowed from her inky lips, trailing without an end until finally she took a breath, a long sigh leaving her lips as she tried to calm her racing heart and mind. What would he say?
