
Never should have come


05-22-2013, 04:32 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2013, 04:34 PM by Pepper.)

Her mother, their mother, had called to her only days ago...telling her to come say hello to Rumble. To Her brother the peppered lass would come, to the white woman herself...she would not. It was to Rumble that Morgan had always shown extra care, extra attention and all because he was quiet and preferred to listen then to be noisy. Pepper, as a result, was practically ignored. Even after her brother left the girl was still basically ignored.

To Valhalla's boarders she came, never coming closer than five yards. She would find him. If he came out at the exact place she just happened to be sitting it would be pure luck. She only planned on finding a trail he left as he exited the pack.

Today seemed to be in the woman's favor as his scent reached her nostrils. Her brother was close. Pepper remained silent as her ears swiveled atop her head, listening. The woman was hoping he was close, to save her the trouble of literally tracking him down. "Damn why is this so hard!" The words struck her ear drums...the voice was deeper than she remembered but was unmistakably his. But, what was so hard? Then the sound of crunching leaves reached her.

Quickly and silently, the woman weaved through the trees. Hidden she remained until he passed her by. Within seconds she had moved silently into the open and called to him "My dearest, what, may I ask, is so hard?" Her voice to had changed as she had grown, all she could do was hope that he recognized her.
