
I Could Stop Time

Requiem I


2 Years
11-14-2014, 01:51 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

The answer he gave appeared not to have surprised or confused the brown colored wolf when finally he lifted his distracted gaze to glance her way. Her smile, if anything, seemed reassuring and kind, as if she might even had understood what his odd answer meant beneath his cryptic words. Did she, too, not have a pack? A tribe? Was she like him in that she had a home but stayed away from it for some mission of her own? It seemed a long shot to find someone so much like himself in this vastly different world than the one he had grown up in, but he supposed it still just as likely a possibility. It was actually very reassuring

Her following statements, however, squashed out the assumption rather quickly. No home she repeated, her voice sounding curious and thoughtful. How did he live? No, she must not have known then. If she had, she would never have needed to ask. It would have been ingrained in her just as it was in him. Though his heart dropped upon realizing that this kindred spirit he had thought to have found was actually not a kindred spirit after all, Requiem answered softly, once again dropping his gaze in a sort of disheartened manner, "Alone," he stated simply, "I hunt by myself, travel by myself, and sleep by myself." As he said it, he realized how lonely it sounded, and how much lonelier it actually felt. Maybe he did need to stop by Sawtooth soon and see about rejoining again.

The conversation had so far been directed by the curious brown-eyed female, and though Requiem was more or less okay with answering questions and talking, the topic of packs and tribes, of family, was beginning to get to him and had very quickly lost its appeal. They needed something else to speak about - he needed something else to speak about - and so he quickly interjected with a question of his own, hoping not to come off as rude or evasive but desperate not to think about his family or the welcome he might receive once he got there. "How-how do you live?" he asked, hastily turning the question around on her. He supposed her answer would come about more readily, more easily, and he wondered beneath his own newly stirred up loneliness what life for her in this place with her own pack - her tribe - was like compared to how his had been.