



7 Years
11-14-2014, 04:26 PM

She introduced herself as Anais, and the smaller wolf nodded his head back and forth, focusing hard on the name. "Anais. Anais!" He said, slowly the first time and then in a happy bark the second. Names for him were a bit hard to remember, when he had woken up he didn't even remember his parents names! Who forgot their parents names? Shaking his head back and forth he ignored those thoughts, surly the names would come to him soon. He was a bit sad that he didn't remember if he had any siblings or not, he just wanted to be a family again. The boy had very few memories that he could focus on, they were hazy at best. Little did he know that it was because there was almost 6 years between now and then. Would he ever wake up and realize who he really was, and why the scary things haunted his dreams. To his fragile mind they were just scary wolves that wanted to hurt him, not people who were once alive that had plotted against him.

Snapping out of his mind he blinked back up at Anais, trying to focus on her instead of his heavy thoughts. It was too hard to focus on one thing at a time, that was clear enough. He was still on his back, paws flapping around as he tried to think if she had said something or not. It would seem that she too was in her own mind, pondering what to do with the creature that lay at her paws. He was quite the hassle, if only he could fully understand that. He only asked what he thought was reasonable enough, but this woman was good at keeping his mind busy and off of the heavy question that he posed her. She bent down though, poking at his leg which made him giggle and tried to swat at her nose. When Anais said that he smelled like mud, he grew rather confused. Mud? Why would he smell like that? Raising his head from the earth he looked down at his belly, thick with the damp earth that still clung to almost every part of him. Oh my! He was very dirty! Lebrah barked out a laugh, flopping his head back down as he wiggled on the ground. "So muddy!" He wailed in delight. That was, until she mentioned some place to wash up. Wash up? Like a bath? Yellow eyes flew wide open as he twisted his body around, leaping to his paws as he eyed the woman. "No bath! Its too much fun being muddy!" He cried, taking a few steps back from Anais.

Lebrah let out a huff, his head shaking back and forth with a great strength. "Why would I wanna get cleaned up?" He cried, he was just going to get muddy all over again anyways. It really was just a waste of time! It would really be a shock to Anais though when she saw all his markings, thinking that just the few she saw were just the tip on the ice burg. Prancing in place the man whined, not liking that there was now a gap between them. He eyed her paws, taking one dancing step towards her, whole body wiggling again. Maybe he had to be all clean to take him home, maybe she lived in a clean place! Gaze roamed up to her face, a whine slipping through his maw. "If I get a bath, will you take me home?" He asked. Uh oh, seems like the distractions didn't last as long as the woman may have hoped.

The dirty wolf lowered himself to the earth, his head resting on his paws as he kept his eyes on Anais. He had promised to be a good boy, right? He nodded his own head, answering his own question. He had! He remembered it now! So maybe this was a little test that she had put in place, trying to see if he really was going to be good! His head raised slowly as he made the realization, blinking slowly. "I can be a good boy and get clean, promise Anais!"