
stray cat strut

Mercy I


5 Years

11-14-2014, 04:40 PM

She eyed the cat, watching as he got thicker as his fur stood on end. Her head tilted, it was like he was raising his hackles, but everywhere fluffed out. Well, he was quite the fluffy creature anyways. He made a comment about how there were many different cats, and she nodded her head slowly. She supposed that there were many different wolves as well, comparing herself and Dione of course. He said larger didn't mean better, which had Mercy looking at herself. She was one of the biggest wolves around, except for her bear-wolf leader. But he was a bear, so. It was different. She didn't think that she was better because of her size, but it did help in some ways. "Are you faster than big cats?" She asked, knowing that although some smaller wolves had shorter legs, they were more agile than she was. She lumbered about at times, and wondered if this small cat at the opposite effect on his size.

She wiggled closer to the smaller being, but didn't get too far before a cool paw was placed on her nose, little dagger like claws poking into it. A warning. Okay, so don't go close to the cat was apparently a rule here. She swallowed hard, not moving from the earth as she gazed at those pretty eyes. The cat told her that it was a trait that only his family held, so unless she ran into someone related to him she would not see them again. She let out a small huff, her breath tickling the cat's chest hair. She was too afraid to move backwards though, she didn't want to lose a chunk of her nose. He commented on her eyes, saying that they weren't quite terrible. She giggled softly, a smile spreading across her maw. She rather liked her eyes as well, the only good thing she got from her mother. The black marks around her eyes made them stand out like a sore thumb, but nothing like his did. Blinking slowly, she realized that she had never learned the cats name, or even what kind of cat he was. The one that she had met said that he was a panther, but this cat didn't look anything like a panther. "I'm Mercy, by the way. If you let go of my nose, I promise to back up." She said, the position growing uncomfortable anyways.

Mercy likes to swear and bite, and she can be unpredictable. She's not always nice, and is quick to jump into a fight. Thread at your own risk.
Mercy has a visible scar from her shoulders down to the middle of her back, in a v like shape. Not all of her art shows this.