
Boss of All Bosses



5 Years
Extra large
11-14-2014, 09:04 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2014, 04:54 PM by Taurig.)
So there are several different family lineages here in Ala. Some of the main ones that I'm aware of are the Armadas, Adravendis, Olympians, Blacks, Destructions, Hroovians? (sorry if I spelled that wrong lol)

Seeing all these different types of families pop up has had me wanting to make my own family line for a while, but I haven't gotten any good ideas until now. Idk if you guys have noticed, but I kind of have a thing for Italian anything XD which was why Taur's pack was going to be called Novarra, since it's an italian city. Anyways, back to the point.

I have an idea to make an italian mobster/mafia kind of family, which would be a mostly male centered family, since the actual Italian Mafia/Mob usually only had males given that the females were usually wives/sisters/mothers/girlfriends of these mobsters.

If this gets good feedback, then this could possibly turn into a future pack idea, who knows lol

The Family:
The Savianos

Mafia oath:
The Savianos live by 4 strict codes that are upheld no matter what.

1.A code of silence - Never to "rat out" any mafia member. Never to divulge any mafia secrets. Even if they were threatened by torture or death.

2.Complete obedience to the boss - Obey the boss's orders, no matter what.

3.Assistance - To provide any necessary assistance to any other respected or befriended mafia faction.

4. Vengeance - Any attacks on family members must be avenged. "An attack on one is an attack on all."

Family Structure:

Capo Crimini - Boss or "don". Head of a particular family.

Consigliere - advisor or family counselor.

Capo Bastone or Sotto Capo - the "underboss", second in command.

Contabile - financial advisor.

Caporegime - heads a faction of about 10 foot soldiers.

Sgarrista - foot soldier {carries out the usual "business" of the mafia}.

Giovane d'honore - mafia associate, mostly non-italian, non-sicilian.

Indoctrination: Children(boys mostly) would be introduced to the life of the mafia from the time that they could walk. Obviously they don't start learning how to kill and hustle until about one year of age, but as they grow up they're instilled with the strict values of the mafia and learn that family (the mafia) comes before anything else. Once they are of age, they are taken under a "godfather" (sometimes an elder family member or a higher ranking wolf) and are shown the ropes. At two years of age, most boys (if they've proven that they can handle the life of the mafia) will be accepted into the ranks through a special ritual that usually only involves the Don and a few other high rankings where they swear their life to the mafia and spill their blood.

Inner workings: Very family oriented, the mafia doesn't look to well upon outsiders, unless of course said outsiders are beneficial to the mafia of course. The mafia isn't necessarily a "bad family" but most of the activities that they do are considered to be "bad", some of which will be kidnapping and killing. They're a family that offers protection to the weak, but of course it comes at a cost. Most who wish to come under the protection of the mafia have to pay a tribute of sorts in order to keep the mafia on their side. This tribute often times comes in the forms of goods: food offerings and medicinal offerings are used to guarantee a certain period of protection, at which point the period ends it must be renewed, almost like a contract. For lifetime protection, the mafia will ask for the first born child of the family they are protecting (from all the litters that they ever have). The child will be taken in by the mafia and raised within the ranks.

So those are the basics right now. If I get some interest, then I'll flesh it out some more and maybe make some adoptables for ya'll peeps to adopt :3 lemme know what you think please, much appreciated :D

Here are some designs I've come up with :3

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