
silver tyrants and goddesses


11-14-2014, 11:26 PM
skype for questions! <3

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? as her right shoulder meets its fleshy target { light bruising blossoming upon the front of her right shoulder as a result } upon the base of empyrea?s neck and against the windpipe, forcing the harlot to backpedal slightly away from their tight proximities due to the force of impact, satisfaction begins to course through the tyrant?s veins. for in her absence from alacritia she had refrained from the gory pleasures of battle, and in her absence an urge for sadism had flourished! and as her jaws hook into the tender flesh of the slave girl?s right-sided countenance { emp?s right eye having evaded the elysius? ruthless attempt to blind }, the phantom?s pleasure only escalates, a relentless desire to inflict detrimental damage upon her adversary surfacing within the depths of her twisted mind.

yet the harlot girl manages to avoid the elysius? attempt to yank her { emp?s } right forelimb out from underneath her, disappointment befalling the tyrant queen as her opponent lifts the targeted forelimb from her grasp before safely settling it upon the earth once more. however, before the elysius allows her own elevated left forepaw to greet the earth after its failed attempt at wrapping around empyrea?s right forelimb, she attempts to forcibly slam it down onto the outside two toes of empyrea?s right forepaw, desiring to break or fracture the digits beneath her weight and hoping to time it after emp plants her right forepaw against the ground. regardless of whether the tyrant is successful in her attempted assault or not, she will seek to plant her left forepaw upon the earth once more to reinstate her balance upon all fours.

as the harlot violently jerks her skull downward and away from artemis? grasp upon her countenance { and artemis can only imagine how foolish a maneuver it is, for she desires to mutilate the whore?s facial features and with emp ripping free of her grasp, it might likely lacerate her pristine visage further }, the elysius? jaws fully gape, mismatched gaze searching her adversary?s countenance for her next target. and as empyrea surges forward after momentarily detaching herself from the tyrant?s grasp, art, too, attempts to barrel forward at a head-on angle { hopefully still positioned slightly to her own left so that the duo?s right halves overlap }, attempting to align and thrust the jutted point of her own right shoulder blade into the natural groove located between her adversary?s right-sided chest and right shoulder as empyrea endeavors to perform a similar maneuver to the flesh between her own { art?s } right shoulder and rightwards chest. however, the elysius strives to meet her opponent?s impact halfway, intending to increase the potential for damage with a desire to heavily bruise her adversary?s targeted flesh [ooc: counter-attack of emp?s shoulder-thrust, pending damage].

and as the phantom attempts to throw her right shoulder in between her adversary?s right shoulder and rightwards chest, gaping jaws rotate to art?s own right, hopefully angled inward towards the right side of her adversary?s muzzle. upper jaw seeks to clamp down over empyrea?s right-sided snout while her mandible seeks to hook beneath emp?s right-sided lower jaw [ooc: there was no mention of emp?s jaws being parted in her previous post], hopeful in her endeavor of carving severe, permanent puncture wounds into the harlot?s muzzle. artemis also hopes that, by potentially ensnaring the entirety of empyrea?s right-sided muzzle within her own jaws, she may keep her opponent from attempting to bite.

all the while, the phantom ensures that her own defensive stance is unwavering to the best of her ability: mismatched eyes narrowed to feral slits, triangular ears sewn against the contours of her lowered crown, lips peeled back to expose serrated guillotines, and jaws parted threateningly. abdominal muscles are tensed and her hackles are raised along the length of her spinal column, limbs spaced equidistant apart and bent slightly at the joints to lower her center of gravity, and her weight distributed evenly among her grounded limbs. toes are splayed and dulled nails grapple the earth to maintain a sense of balance and traction, shoulders roll forward and neck scrunches somewhat to safeguard her precious jugular in a protective halo of excess flesh and fat as her chin tucks against the curvature of her neck. tail is streamlined with her spine and her skull is lowered in similar alignment, unwilling to grant her opponent a leeway to her jugular vein. for she will see that this invader is reprimanded for her transgressions, and reprimanded cruelly.





attacks -- attempting to slam her left forepaw onto emp's right forepaw, aiming to break or fracture the outside two toes of the forepaw. attempting to thrust her right shoulder blade in between the natural groove located between emp's right shoulder and rightwards chest, intending to meet empyrea's impact halfway to increase the potential for damage. attempting to turn her jaws inward to emp's right-sided muzzle before her upper jaw strives to clamp down over emp's right-sided snout while her mandible seeks to hook beneath emp's right-sided lower jaw, seeking to encase the entirety of emp's right-sided muzzle to both severely puncture emp's flesh and keep her from parting her jaws to bite.

injuries -- light bruising to front of right shoulder, pending damage from emp's shoulder-thrust

table by lu.

[Image: J2Sc3Va.png]