



7 Years
11-15-2014, 05:18 PM

This time he didn't miss her being startled, that paw lifted up as if she was going to flee. His ears dropped to his skull as he let out a low whine, tail tucking between his legs. He was confused at her sudden movement, as if he was going to hurt her or something. He would never dream of hurting someone! He tried to sink down as low as he could to try and seem non threatening as he could imagine, he didn't know why she was so afraid. Unless... Did she see a scary thing? Eyes grew wide as his head spun quickly, looking over both shoulders to see if there were any scary wolves. Fully turning around his fur stood on end, the growl that came out of his mouth seeming to age him. That was... until he spoke. "Stay away from my new friend, meanie! Dun hurt my Anais!" He called, only settling when there was nothing in sight. Turning around, he tilted his head at her. There was no scary things! What a silly wolf, getting scared at nothing! He giggled, head shaking back and forth. "Anais is getting scared at nuffin! Silly Anais." He said with another laugh, soon dragging his body closer to her again.

The woman seemed to think about his offer, until those magical words left her mouth. He let out a yip, but settled when she said only when he was clean. A little huff left his black lips, eyes shifting to the side. It was cold, the water was going to be freezing! But Anais had said that if he got all clean, than he would he able to go with them. So he nodded his head firmly, even though he wasn't fully committed to getting clean. The feel of the cold water would most likely stop him from getting so dirty again, as he aligned himself with Anais' flank. He looked up at her, that common head tilt taking over once again. "Does Anais like to get dirty?" His words were innocent, his clean tail wagging and bumping against her flank -- if she allowed his parallel position. Lebrah rather liked to get all muddy, it was fun to feel the squishy mud under his paws. It would split and goo between his toes, coating his claws. And the joy of rolling in it! Oh joy! It would get all sticky and cling to him, and then it would make him feel all heavy. But today, he had forgotten that he had gotten so dirty.

Lebrah let out a determined huff, squaring his shoulders and strutting forward a few steps. It was then that he realized that he had no idea where he was going. Oh yeah! Spinning around to face her, he let out a chuckle. "I dunno where I'm going." Were his next words, his tail still wagging slowly behind him. He had forgotten that Anais had to lead the way, he didn't even know what this place was called! Silly him.