
Something In The Water


11-15-2014, 08:13 PM

Things were a lot better lately. Besides her pregnancy, of course. Her mood hasn't improved at all, she's just as snappy and as bitchy as ever. She's always hungry---she doesn't like to walk around to much. Constantly thirsty, constantly howling for Bass to cuddle her when she feels like shit. Ah, besides the little things, she was completely recovered from her illness. She was strong again. Able to speak without pausing, able to walk around without tripping over things and such. She was also gaining weight again. could be worse. At least she was in Abaven, where she felt safe and protected. Speaking of which, it had come to her attention that two other dames were pregnant. Those in which were Venus and Motif. The beta and the secondary. How ironic.
Bass' howl was instantly heard by her, being so close. After all, she was only curled up in their den, trying to get some sleep before the meeting. Seems she had been too late. A stubborn huff left her lips, and she slowly moved to her paws, crawling out of the den and shuttering as the wind kissed her peachy fur. Her minty gaze hardened. It was chilly...of course, on the day of the meeting. Wren found herself growling silently, as she turned her eyes up to Bass who stood nicely on the top of their den. "Not going up there," She muttered simply, crawling over to Rhythm and settling down beside her casually. The two of them had only talked and met recently. Even so, she found it okay to be sitting beside her.