
The Call

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-15-2014, 08:38 PM

A sigh escaped her onyx lips as he explained himself, her worst dreams coming true. Wait. He said what?! Looking up from the ground her silver orbs met his gold ones, shock visible on all of her features as she looked surprisingly at him. Her mouth gaped in the shape of an O and her eyes widened to the size of bowling balls. He- He what??? Her breathing hitched and her heart stopped. Forget nightmare, this was the best day of her life! A large grin spread across her maw as she realized what this meant for her and her mate.

Leaping to her paws, she jumped on top of her mate, surely knocking him to his back as she smothered him in licks across his ivory muzzle, silver orbs lit in happiness and...lust. She surprised herself as she realized what emotion she was feeling at the moment. It must be close to Winter, close to her being in heat. A wicked grin spread across her face as she looked deep into her mate's golden gaze, knowing that he wanted a litter as bad as she.

"Oh, love, do you understand what this means for us?
her words dropped off of her tongue like honey, sweet and smooth, as she licked her mate across his jaw one last time before getting off of his broad chest, taking her time and admiring his rippling muscles as she got her small frame fully off of him. Oh how she loved these playful moments with her mate. She could never picture anything better than waking up every morning with him by her side.
