
Battle Songs



7 Years
11-18-2014, 07:04 AM

Silver legs stretched, pale paws extending to grab the earth rushing beneath her as she surged southeast. The blood rushed through her body, roaring in her ears like some enraged beast. It was matching for the rage in her chest. He hadn?t come home since his fool headed charge to fight where he wouldn?t be needed. It had been weeks since he had charged off. Winter had swept in, and snow flurried to the earth around her, a white spangled blizzard of streaks around her. Her silver and black timber back was dusted with flakes, steam bursting from between bared teeth.

She crashed into a shallow fjord in one of the southern rivers, the snow swollen water buffeting her body as she forced herself through. Water poured from her fur as she surged up the other bank, splattering the mud frozen hard by the nights frost. She wanted answers. Where the hell was Falk. What had happened. And what the hell were they going to do about it. A snarl rolled from her chest, frustration bubbling to the surface and becoming a roar as the scent of her destination reached her nostrils. Sibelle was back. Safe. Where the hell was Falk, then?

The roar turned to a strident howl, thrown to the air as she came to a stop, just short of the border. Her anger lent her no rest; as her head lowered, her paws automatically began pacing. Back and forth, her mismatched eyes flashing. She would get her answers. Her children deserved to know why papa had not returned. It wasn't truly only rage that drove her fury; it was fear, and an impending sense of loss. She didn't want to have her children grow up like she had; with a father missing when they'd known him well enough to attach a face to the sense of love and protection that came with the word "Papa".

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.