
Never should have come


05-22-2013, 06:37 PM

He hit some trees exiting the view of Valhalla's lands, but he was still visible to anyone at the border. Once he passed the first spot of trees, a voice came from them. The voice seemed oddly familiar, but who's was-- No...It can't be... Rum refused to turn around, he refused to know of who the girl was after he had just left to find her. Rum left his left paw in the air, he didn't move.

Finally his head turned just a little bit to see only a corner of the girl who spoke out, "P-Pepper?" He still didn't move, his eyes wide and his jaw closing tightly after he spoke. His eyes struggled to see more of the girl whose voice claimed to be his sister's, but his head would not let a movement escape. "I um... I'm leaving." His eyes then rested looking down at the grass underneath his paws. Autumn was when the two were born, and here they were. Three years old, two years older than when Rum left her.

He stood in wait for a reply, hoping it really was her and this wasn't some cruel lie that his mind or this girl was letting off. His paw then tapped the ground relax his muscles but his body sill stayed placed away from the woman, and he waited.

Walk "Talk" Think