
The woman stay well the men go out to play


11-15-2014, 10:07 PM

Now, staring at Motif, Wren really did wonder who those puppies belonged to. Maybe Motif had some secret man out there---hah. No, a queen wouldn't do that. But now that the question was up...she felt like she really needed an answer. She wouldn't ask Motif, that'd be really nosy. Maybe she'd find out when she gave birth? When she saw how the puppies looked? Wren drew her ears back and blinked, shaking her head and clearing her thoughts as Motif realized she had come out. "I'm fat and achy and feel wrong in my skin," She assumed she felt the same. And she was absolutely correct. Wren leaned back and returned that silly grin, tail patting gently at the earth. "Absolutely,"
The dame huffed and stood up, but instantly fell back on her rump. She thought she'd be able to climb all the way up beside Motif---but really, that's the last thing she wanted to do right now. A groan left her lips, and with a light pat of her tail, Wren invited the woman down beside her. "It's sleep, eat, sleep, take a piss, sleep, and repeat. Every single day." It was nice to have someone else who felt her pain. She didn't feel so alone and isolated. And just like Motif, of course, she didn't like to see others in such a state. But it was comforting. "These pups...better be grateful that I'm going through all of this for them. They'll find their little asses beaten if they think my misery is funny."