
You and I



3 Years
11-16-2014, 05:39 AM (This post was last modified: 11-16-2014, 11:36 AM by Soliloquy.)

Life had been rather quiet as of late. Scorpion had not pushed this pack talk any further and nothing particularly exciting or important had happened within his life. Though he had been looking forwards to ruling at his brother's side, Soliloquy still couldn't deny the fact that it had in fact been a rather joyous quiet all the same. Isolde was still at his side, something he thoroughly enjoyed and their little connection seemed only to strengthen. If anyone observed they'd think perhaps that was only the case for Isolde, his wanderings perhaps seeming like he was bored of the russet beauty. This of course was not the truth, though Scorpion had not taught him to be a one woman man.

Isolde however was still the only one in his life. Other explorations hadn't exactly been too successful, apart from perhaps Titania. He hoped for more in the future from her and though he had been considering venturing to find the girl again, right now Isolde held his complete and utter attention. Something about her had seemed different lately, her scent captivating him far more than usual and he simply couldn't get enough of her. He cared little for the reasoning of this change, if he thought about it the answer would likely soon appear to him though he simply didn't bother to search for it. Only thoughts of Isolde would fill his mind.

Waking up that morning he could have sworn that enticing scent had gotten stronger, his desires certainly had at the very least. He wished for her to wake up soon though unable to wait he would begin the task of stirring her himself. "Wake up my dear." He would speak softly, little nuzzles and licks upon her to drag her affectionately into the real world.