
everybody loses it -


05-22-2013, 08:35 PM
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." Thought. 1097.

The smirk that had warped her dampened countenance in such a devious manner quickly dissipated towards the conclusion of her note of caution towards the male, abruptly shifting into an expression that complimented her curiosity as to how Seraphim would react to the information she had just provided. Seconds ticked by at such a sluggish rate that the woman was uncertain as to whether or not they were seconds that passed rather than centuries, pupils frantically searching the male?s visage for any sign of suspicion but were granted none. His face was unreadable and entirely vague as he succumbed to silence, Morphine only assuming he was considering the possible requests she could aim at him. As a droplet of rain slid down the bridge of her muzzle, threatening to enter her nostrils but denied an opportunity as the woman rebutted it with a brief snort, the brute responded at last, confirming his eagerness to hear her piece, lacking the hesitance that Morphine had hoped would not linger in his vocals. She exhaled her relief softly, attempting to stifle the sound with another snort so as not to draw too much attention to her satisfaction. But her goal was still far from being tangible.

Her heart-rate quickened in pace as nerves crept upon her, but despite her internal anxiety, she retained the calm and collected stature she always seemed to possess and coiled around the male safely, parking at his left side so that they now stood parallel to one another, in close enough proximity for the woman to easily bite at him should he decide to strike. Her metallic gaze met his emerald, drawing towards the mountainous terrain in the distance that she had grown so accustomed to over the past year or so. ?Over there ? look,? she commanded, gesturing towards the mountain with an incline of her muzzle as she attempted to draw his attention over towards it. Before she hit him with the reasons as to why she had sought him out, she planned to provide the brute with the background story so that she appeared less crazy than she already was; she believed she owed him an explanation, anyway. ?See that mountain? It serves as a home to a pack called Tortuga: the asylum for the wicked and devious.? She paused then, not only to allow the male a moment to register the information she had just granted him, but because the slight bitter fury she had been feeling over the last few days since her banishment overcame her once more. If Desdemona was sticking to her word ? if she would force Tortuga into neutrality, then Tortuga was no longer the place of residence for those who loved to dance on the dark side. ?At least, it once was?? she mentioned, her tones dripping venom, but she would not elaborate on why just yet.

?I reigned as Queen there not long ago beside a male ? Kaien. He was forced to fill the crown of a great king and many within Tortuga?s ranks resented him because of it ? myself included. So I challenged him for his title, but I found myself ruling at his side instead of claiming the crown for myself?? She now resented that decision; when she had made it, she thought she was taking the wiser path by allowing both of them to receive what they desired: the Tortugan throne. Now, however, she was experiencing the wrath of her mistake in exile, lacking a prestigious title she once attained. ?I had so many plans to help Tortuga obtain greatness and become the imperial power of the island. Alas, I was never able to because a foolish female ? Desdemona ? challenged Kaien and he submitted his superiority over the pack to her without a fight.? She shook her head slowly, allowing her gaze to drop and reside upon her paws, burning a hole into them with her anger as she laughed dryly. The bitter sound was short-lived, and soon the woman?s gaze traversed back up the base of the mountain to its peak where she had stood so many times to survey her kingdom, now lost. ?She dethroned me and killed Kaien because he wished for death. I was banished; I now live in exile with a bounty over my head should I ever return to the lands I once ruled. If I could make you understand my fury with this situation?? Her voice trailed off, her skull turning in Seraphim?s direction to see whether or not she had bored him with her recap of what had occurred over the past few months. She felt no need to expand on her last comment; she knew her tone had carried the message loud and clear. Surely he was no fool to succumb to confusion with her tale.

She inhaled sharply, her chest puffing out slightly as she gathered the breath she required to elaborate on her request for the brute, her attention now residing solely on him, never straying back to Tortuga?s domain. ?But where do you fit in this; why have I chosen to concern you in my personal affairs? Well, I will relay to you that I plan on reclaiming my crown (call me a bit power-starved and I will not deny it). Though, the means of taking back the throne are a bit?unorthodox. I will obtain it in the sense that my blood will course through the veins of the future king or queen ? my body will never be the embodiment of a queen again. My scheme ? it revolves around my whelps?whelps that require a sire to help bring them into this world. I cannot provide them with one in particular for I am mateless ? a virgin witch.? She paused then, surprised with how much she had revealed to the male, but it all seemed necessary. Should he betray her confidential secrets, she would stalk him and she would punish him ? it was as simple as that. But, she doubted she would need to do such a thing?for some strange reason, she trusted this stranger. ?I sought you out for such a reason. I require no attachment, no love, no pleasure, and my children require no father to look up to; I am capable of being the sole caretaker and mentor to bastard children.? She granted the male with another moment to mull over what she had said, and in case he hadn?t quite grasped what she was attempting to hint at, she concluded her request with a simple statement: ?We only require a second set of genetics ? nothing more, nothing less.?