
The Call

Trica- Ica


3 Years
11-16-2014, 05:21 PM

A soft smile swept across her muzzle, watching her mate let her take the lead. He better. A competitive look flashed in her silver orbs, causing her veins to pump with adrenaline, loves the thrill of the hunt and especially the race of competition. A mischievous smirk spread across her maw as she looked at her mate with a competitive glint in her crystal orbs. She would show her mate that she could hunt herself, maybe even better than he. After all, he wasn't the only one that had to hunt, and she had to feed an entire pack, not just herself and mate.

Her ivory tail swishing side to side with anticipation, she looked over her mate, trying to think of the rules of the game. "Love, we are going to play a game." she stated, giving him no choice but to agree. "Since you seem to think that I can't hunt for myself, we shall compete." A smirk crossed her maw, as she looked towards her love, licking her jaws as she looked over his body for the third time that day. Man, she needed him.

Turning around she took the lead towards the woods near them, stopping at the skirts of the dense woods. Tilting her crown back she smelled the rabbit she had scented before. Perfect. Sitting on her haunches, she turned towards the male approaching her. "Do you want to hear the rules?" she questioned, knowing that her mate would give in and play her game, he loved her too much not too.
