
One in the same


11-16-2014, 05:33 PM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2014, 10:30 PM by Evelyn.)

It was the first time he had left Arcanum since he arrived. But it was also the first time he had been healthy enough to leave. He had begun to put on weight, his large frame steady filing out. His pelt was against smooth and shiny, free of any debris, the mats done. His eyes had begun to fill with life, brightening each day. Ever since the pack meeting, he had taken a new look on life. A much darker one. Anger boiled just beneath the surface, ready to lash out at anything that stood in his way. But a passerby would never know. His russet face was carefully cloaked in an emotionless mask. His skull still hung lower, between his shoulders that rolled to absorb the shock of his massive paws.

His tail hung between his hocks as he walked, drawn by the sound of rushing water. Winter had taken a hold of his home, covering the earth in a blanket of snow. It was light, for now, the snow manageable to trek through. The cold wind bit into his coat, trying to freeze him. But he continued moving, her emerald gaze set directly before him. Ears tipped back against his skull, as usual. Not even the sounds of the river pulled them forward. He was finally a year old, reaching his full height. He was still thin, bones protruding from beneath his pelt, but he was no less impressive.
