
You love the game


11-16-2014, 05:59 PM

So much had happened in such a short about of time. Her father had kidnapped the russet queen, and her lover had come searching. Her mother had bested the man, but still let the queen go home, which she found interesting. But then her mother had more tricks up her sleeves. The pack had called for war, to rip everything from the russet bitch until she had nothing left. She knew that her mother was keen on making the woman pay, but she hadn't seemed keen on going to war just yet. Perhaps she felt they weren't ready? Or there would be challenge? Whatever it was, she would follow her mother diligently. But today she would leave home behind in favor of another adventure. She had yet to meet her cousins. It had been at the pack meeting that she learned that the two boys were her fathers grandkids. Her uncle had come to their borders in search of them, seeking to bring them home, but they had chosen to stay, which she found interesting. They didn't seem like the type to fit in here. But she wouldn't question it, they were family.

She had ventured farther from home, this time finding herself on a beach. The sand was as black as her pelt, the frigid waters crashing against the shore. Winter had set in, bringing lower temperates, and snow. It was the first winter that she would remember, and so far she wasn't a fan. There hadn't been enough snow yet to the stick to the ground so everything was slushy and muddy. But here, there was no snow, only frigid temperatures. A shiver would run down her spine and she moved down the beach, carefully avoiding the water. Her gaze was the on the waters, watching as each wave crashed down, the noise echoing in her ears.

"Burn Baby Burn"