
Sing to me, Jailbird


11-16-2014, 06:14 PM

He was shocked. Which came as no surprise, how could he possibly have known she was his aunt. He would choke, and a brow would lift. Was it that shocking that Taurig had other siblings? Perhaps she should tell him about Falk. "You also have an uncle named Falk. He looks nothing like Taur, he looks kinda like me." When he stated the obvious she would chuckle."Falk and I look more like our mother, where as Taurig looks like our grandfather." She would shrug, the Armadas had such a vast gene pool that it seemed any color was possible. He would answer her question with some hesitation, as though he was unsure if he should tell her or not. But in the end he did. He had two sisters, though only one was her niece. She would smile, happy to know that she had more family despite her circumstances and who her niece and nephew were born of. "What's her name?" She would inquire about her niece with a tip of her head, wanting to know more. Perhaps he would loosen up and not be so hesitant about giving her information. Part of her was saddened, her brother probably would never see the adults his children had become. She missed him, missed him dearly.

"Burn Baby Burn"