
The thirst that needs to be quenched.



11-16-2014, 06:17 PM

A smirk fell upon her maw as she saw that he had given in to her game. She had won and he was so pent up that he couldn't handle it anymore. Not even bothering to ask, he strolled over to her russet rump. She knew what was coming next, after all this was not something new to her. Slowly raising her ebony striped tail she stroked it along his muzzle, turning her lavender laced gaze over to him. She knew that is would kill him if she watched, so that is exactly what she did.

Her cyan orbs turned seductive and soul searching as she rolled onto her back once more, exposing her sensitive stomach to the large male. She wanted it rough, she hated gentle and was willing to take scars for the pleasure it would give her. Licking her jaws slowly, she continued to keep her gaze locked with his, watching his every movement as he walked closer and closer to the moment, each step taking them farther into their world.

With a low growl he gave into his emotions, earning a loud moan from her. She had won, but it was not over yet. Just because the game had reached its climax, didn't mean she was done playing. She wanted him begging for more of her. She wanted marks on her body from the game she had played, memories of this intriguing wolf. She wanted to remember.

-Fades to Black-

Made by the lovely Anastasia