
Rock my world


11-16-2014, 06:32 PM

Winter had set in. Snow had begun to fall though none of it was yet sticking. But she didn't care about the weather. Not right now. Winter had brought about her season. Her body was on fire, desire unlike anything curled in her belly and spread through her veins. She had an itch that desperately needed to be scratched. Her travels had brought to her to crumbling castle. Normally she would stopped to admire the decaying stone or the vines that wrapped around the structure. But right now, she simply wanted to get her mind off the need the was clawing at her mind. She was bound to go crazy before winter was up. She could smell herself and knew it was like a beckon for any males that crossed her trail. But she had no worries here, unless the northern wolves had infiltrated her home. A low whine would squeeze out from between clenched jaws. There was no relief, not even for a moment. Lavender pools had glazed over with lust, her senses on high alert. Instincts were driving her, despite the logic of her mind telling her to stay put and not to do anything rash. Her mind would immediately snap to Shai. No, she would shake herself, trying to push away the thoughts of his touch that only seemed to amplify her torture.

"yoruban" "english"