
weathered souls

Bronze i


12 Years
05-22-2013, 08:59 PM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2013, 09:00 PM by Bronze i.)

Bronze's own eyes welled with concern as he explained Loccian's condition; he felt for his friend, understood the suffering that she was going through, and oh how strongly he empathized with her grief. A slow nod was offered to Gerhardt as he graciously offered to bring Loccian a meal. He was thankful for that -- he dreaded leaving her for long in this condition. Her moods seemed so unpredictable, he wasn't quite sure whether she would be in a pleasant mood when she awoke or not. And if not, he certainly preferred he be with her. Still unstable, he was hesitant to see how she could deteriorate if left alone again, even for a short period of time.

Luckily, for the tone had grown rather dismal. But Gerhardt brought up what he had initially wanted to speak to him about. Apparently there is a rogue bull wandering around their territory, terrorizing the members of Seracia. And one had been injured. A very delicate frown graced his features, turning the corners of his lips downward ever so slightly. When the male before him grew silent, he nodded eagerly, more than willing to join. It sounded like a challenge, one that he was willing to step up to. "I'd be thrilled to join," he said with a slightly forced grin, yet his lyrics were genuine, although serious. "I haven't been on a good hunt in longer than I can remember." The thought was pleasing to his mind, and he shifted slightly, as though already growing anxious for the upcoming hunt.

"I also wanted to find you for another reason -- I'd like to stay a warrior, perhaps a sentry. I'd be willing to put my energy towards fighting for Seracia's safety, if the time ever comes." He offered with a slow bow of his head. His respect for Gerhardt was obvious, and more than he had offered another creature in some time -- and yet his slight humility around the King was probably commonplace in Seracia. While such a small action was often expected among a leader's subordinates, for Bronze, it was a great step -- though he wondered why it felt so much like he was reverting to his younger self, when he ought to be moving forward, evolving.