
One in the same



7 Years
11-16-2014, 06:51 PM

Home was a different place now. She didn't feel like she belonged like she once had, but out of place. Sibelle had changed, and she had children and a husband now. Where did she fit into the scheme of things? She didn't know, and it was getting harder and harder to stick around Solstice. She literally felt like climbing up a tree to keep away from them. Yes they were beautiful and yes they were cute, but it was fear of them being ripped away from her that kept her away. Ekko couldn't help it, the fear of losing them was real. She felt like if she were to get close to anyone that they would be taken away from her. It was as if it was a curse, something that was an infection that could not be stopped. It was easier to cut wolves off than having to deal with their lose, she knew this first hand. So with a heavy sigh, she once again turned away from the willows. She was probably going to wander back in, she was finding it hard to stay away from Sibelle, her sweet, sweet mistress. But now that she was in heat once more, she didn't really feel like being around anyone. Sibelle had joked that she would have cute puppies, and that was Ekko's worst fear. Never again did she want to bare children into this world, not after what happened to her first litter.

Coming to a stop, Ekko surveyed the area she was in. There didn't seem to be anyone about, until the very faint scent of a lone male tickled her nose. Inhaling sharply she looked around, pale blue eyes trying to pinpoint the wolf. She saw the russet fleck not too far off, and blinked several times. Why was his scent somewhat familiar to her? She shook it off, she was probably just imagining it. She could tell that he was young, but that didn't matter. Evil could fill even the youngest of souls, and on this day she didn't feel like dealing with it. He was closer to the river than she, his breath fogging before him as the winter air buffered both of them. She slunk low to the ground, trying to hide her rusted red form among the large rocks that dotted the river bank. Her tail tucked between her legs, hoping to cover the stench of her heat. It was too late to turn tail and run away, he might see her and give chase. So those eyes stayed locked on him, just praying that he would turn the other way and not notice her at all.

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