
One in the same


11-16-2014, 07:01 PM

The smell that soon begun to fill his nostrils was undeniable. It was sweet enough to lift his head and bring his ears forward with curiosity. His emerald gaze would dart back and forth, searching for the source. Nostrils quivered, inhaling the heady cocktail, nearly getting high off it. Whoever it was, she smelled amazing. An unfamiliar feeling stirred in his belly, sinking its claws into him and demanding to be sated. He would frown just as he pinpointed the source. A tiny female crouched against the earth, desperately trying to sneak by unnoticed. But it was futile really, her scent was bound to catch anyones attentions. His expression would soften as he tried to look nonthreatening. His mother had taught him manners, and always be polite to a lady. And judging from the graying of her coat, she was old enough to have his respect.

Haunches would drop with a thud, hoping that it would allow her to relax. "I won't hurt you." His deep voice would leave his lips softly, his head lowering once more, trying not look so huge. A crooked smile would twitch the corners of his mouth. "My names Colten." He wasn't entirely sure why he felt like being so vocal, perhaps he simply wanted to ease her worries. From her posture, something obviously frightened her enough to be fearful of a stranger, a young one at that. Broad shoulders would slump forward, his posture relaxed as he watched her with mild curiosity. He tried in vain to rein in the feelings that her scent caused, but she smelled so good.
