
One in the same


11-16-2014, 07:29 PM

She would whine, passing her nose to the ground and immediately snapping her gaze downward. His eyes would widen in surprise, ears flicking back briefly. The last thing he wanted to to frighten her. He would scoot back a few paces before lowering his chest to the ground, a subtle sign that he did in fact come in peace. He would flip his hips to the side, allowing his legs to stretch. Her name rolled off her tongue with a stutter. Ekko. Her posture would relax fractionally, only enough to allow her to take a somewhat seated position. Her gaze remained off his face, practically looking everywhere else.

Taking this opportunity, his gaze would would search her face, seeking out first her wide baby blues before taking note of the scar that stretched down her face. Was that the rest she was so fearful? He would lazily inspect the rest of her, her body so small and petite compared to his. Her stutter would bring his gaze back to her face, a shrug lifting his shoulders. Just looking for an adventure. What about you? He would lower his head to his paws, hoping that she would relax a little bit more. Her proximity was suffocating, he would only smell her. It was a scent that would forever be burned into his mind. No had taught him about this, nor what it meant. For once his ears remained tipped forward, focused on her. He was enchanted, unable to help himself.
