
Warning- High Toxic Waste Levels


05-22-2013, 09:39 PM


He stood there, waiting for some sort of reply, and he got one. Her poetic nature was taking over again. He remembered when they had first met she spoke this way, and it was rather confusing, but he liked it. A smile crept upon his features when she spoke of holes, ashes, and blood. It made some sense in his mind, but he wasn't entirely sure what she meant. "Blood is my specialty." He flashed her a warmer smile, saliva dripping from exposed fangs. She went on. Damn, she was loyal to him, she must really care if she's willing to destroy everything for him. Together, they made a marvelous combination. Who would have thought his queen enjoyed breaking the world beneath her paws like he does? "Sending her is a marvelous idea. Eyes within their pack will give us a great advantage." He paused for a moment, listening to her next set of words. He was very pleased. "And I will defend you if anything sought you out. Not even death will stop me from protecting you. I'll walk these lands until the end of time as long as you, and the pups, are taken care of." His voice held a serious tone, amethyst eyes gazing into her own. He needed her to know he meant this, and he always would. He would carry this promise to his grave, and even after that.

She said it. The L word. Love. She loved him. His mind drifted for a moment as it processed what she had just said. She loved him... but did he love her back? He was a monster who contained no soul, no heart, no conscious. How could he be capable of such a thing? He couldn't, he wasn't. If it wasn't love, then what was the feeling he felt toward her? It could be, it had to be... love. But he wouldn't admit it. No, that he for sure wasn't capable of. Instead he chose not to respond to what she had said. He merely listened for more.. and he got more. Fucking. Good lord had he been craving this. If his days of fucking countless dames were over Newt would need to make up for the lost time. She didn't care though, which was a good thing. He would get it either way, and if by force, he would do it. "As you wish." He replied, a hearty growl building up in his chest. Her tail smacked his nose, and he snapped toward it, and when her teeth grazed his neck his own went after her scruff. She wanted it rough? He would give it to her. His body twisted and weaved as he slithered toward her rump, nose running along her side, nips given here and there. They weren't hard enough for any serious damage, but certainly good enough to draw blood. Once he reached her precious jewel he wasted no time. He forced himself upon her, teeth lashing toward her scruff as he aimed to grab it within his jaws. With a forceful push he shoved everything he had into her, and began

-Fade to black-

*I did a little PP, if you want it changed I can do that :P*