
One in the same


11-16-2014, 09:07 PM

Her laugh caught him off guard. So perhaps she was starting to relax, to not see him as such a threat. He would smirk, a bark of laughter following his. I believe it was you following me. A brow would lift, his smirk turning charming as he aimed to turn the tables of her. After her stuttering, he had not expected such a retort. While he was young, he was not stupid, he got the impression that her statement held several different meanings to it. But he was inexperienced, he had no idea how to seduce a woman, much less an older woman. So instead he chose to see where his boyish charm would get him, not that he expected anything from her. With how nervous and fearful she had been, he was wary of even getting close. It came to his attention that she had ignored his question. Was she running from someone. Nostrils would flare, taking note of the faint pack scent that clung to her beneath the scent of her heat. It wasn't a pack that he was familiar with, and honestly, didn't really care to get familiar with.

There was a brief lull in the conversation that he wasn't entirely sure how to fill, but he didn't want her taking off at the same time. You never told me what you were doing here? His skull dipped to the side, a boyish grin continuing to play on his lips. He was tempted to lean forward, towards her, but he didn't want to frighten her.
