
Drag Me Down



3 Years
11-17-2014, 08:45 AM

Silence fell over them like a shroud, and Brynhildr couldn't help but enjoy it just a bit. It was oddly comforting, being in the company of another who you were reasonably sure wasn't going to kill you. Her eyes even began to drift closed once more, as the buzzing of insects lulled her. The pale woman spoke again, breaking the calm, to introduce herself. Bryn held in a sigh, and lifted her golden gaze upwards. "And I'm Brynhildr Hroovitnisdottir, but thats a bit of a mouthful." Honestly, what had her parents been thinking? "I go by Bryn, mostly." It was strange how... pleasant this was. After all, genuinely pleasant wolves were hard to find, and even when she had stumbled cross them in the past the living ember had been in no mood to suffer their pleasantries. In fact, it was utterly unpleasant.

Her own inner monologue washed away any residual irritation of the broken peace and quiet, so Bryn rose to her feet and allowed herself a long, languid stretch. Her muscles tensed and uncoiled from tip to tail as she dipped into her spine extension. Rising, and reveling in a euphoric head rush, she flicked an ear. "Well that's enough lazing around for me I think. Where are you headed to?" It was a curious thought, that Kota would go on with her life after this, and that they might never encounter each other again. Bryn thought back on all the rogues she'd met. It was not in sadness, but fascination at how large a world they lived in.

OOC: We could probably be pretty close to wrapping this up, if you want? Or they could go muck about elsewhere, it's up to you!