
The thirst that needs to be quenched.


11-17-2014, 09:07 AM

The Queen saunters around her territory, she is comfortable in it, as the ultimate ruler. Whom should she fear? Her companion seeks to keep close to her side, he doesn't yet trust the wolves his mistress houses with. Some time has passed since she has taken back her forest, her haven, but it again is under her worthy paws. Her ivory fur glistens in the light, contrasting the darker forest that she nearly dances within. A snarl from her companion draws her to a halt, and she glances at him- her brow furrowing.


A growl rises in her throat. Trespassers were inside her forest, and she would slowly slink forward to seek them out. She takes to the thick undergrowth of her forest, and she weaves in between the trees and brush, moving silently. Greek skitters at her feet, his relaxed posture now replaced by aggression. Who would dare trespass and ruin his mistresses day. Or perhaps they will make it. As she draws closer, Roman Armada inhales and she can smell the erotic scents in the air. Her ears flatten in distaste, and she lets out a disgusted snort as she emerges from the shadows.

Of all the things she must witness.

"What fools dare to blatantly trespass on Regium's land?" Did these fools not scent the borders? Were they simply trying to test her? She waits for a reply- stopping about ten feet from the involved pair. Greek skitters to her left shoulder, his lips curled up in a snarl.


(Sorry guys, Roman took the Red forest back before the 9th of November and yeah... she doesn't take well to trespassing.)