
everybody loses it -


05-22-2013, 09:56 PM
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." Thought. 755.

Her heart beat vehemently against her ribcage, threatening to burst from her chest cavity with every pulsation it gave courtesy of her nerves that only worsened as the suspense intensified through every moment that passed where the brute refused to provide her with a definitive answer. Of course, if he rejected her request, it did not mean the end of the world, for the woman was certain that she would find another to comply to her wishes without hesitation in due time; it was a free invitation to pleasure, after all, and a majority of males she had encountered before would have rejoiced at the opportunity of meaningless sex. But, now that she had relayed so much confidential information over to the clutches of this stranger ? this male ? a twinge of doubt spawned within the depths of her scheming mind. Perhaps none would lust after a woman so intent on utilizing children for selfish manners or one so fixated upon the idea of vengeance.

Judging by his outward appearance that so easily portrayed his interest without the usage of facades, Morphine was certain that she had at least captivated the male?s full attention throughout her elongated tale, so she lacked the belief that she would need to reiterate the information back to him. She only needed his response, but even as his apathetic vocals greeted her ears, she was disappointed to find that his answer did not reside within this first set and that he would force her to patiently await his reply, but she smirked anyway as she digested his comment. ?Oh ? do not believe I didn?t want to leave that wretch with any injuries and pretty little scars to debut as a reminder that she is beneath me even still. She denied me that when she walked away from my challenge.? She shook her skull back and forth in disbelief, wanting nothing more than to spit all the insults she could muster about the coward onto Seraphim?s ears, but she would not allow it and would contain them.

He had begun to speak once more, earning her undivided attention as her metallic gaze danced to meet his verdant eagerly. Her heart sunk into her stomach as the word ?issue? resounded within her skull; however, it leapt back to her chest as he stated his terms, confirming that he would partake in aiding her with her little scheme. Oddly enough, the male did not wish for his children to grow up as bastards and desired only that he be able to remain a part of their lives. She hesitated briefly; she would prefer it if she was in on this journey alone, but she supposed she would owe it to the brute for bringing their children into existence in the first place. She would oblige to his request, but she would make one thing vivid to this male: the intentions she had with her future children.

?I am not opposed to the idea of you playing the part as a father,? she granted him, knowing how it felt to wait for the information you desired most. ?But I must make it clear that these kids ? their upbringing will differ from a normal litter. I intend to train them from a young age and to craft them into valuable warriors; they will never know how it feels to spar, nor will they ever know how to play. They will put forth their full effort into fighting even if it means severely maiming one another; however, I will never allow them to murder one another, of course. I feel that is the only way they will learn. Besides, I wish for them to build a high tolerance for pain, and if they receive it often, I can only assume they will grow used to the feeling. You may help me with their training, you may speak with them when it is wanted, you may love them if you are so inclined to do so? But I must say I deeply oppose you showing them that you do. I will not breed weak children who grow soft with emotional attachment. They will know nothing but utmost loyalty and devotion to their family and cause.? Her intentions were harsh and even she realized it, but each and every thing she intended for these children was set with a purpose. She meant what she had said: she would not breed weak children. They would surmount to something much greater than she ? something much greater than any of their kind.