
take me or leave me, it's all the same to me.


05-22-2013, 10:10 PM

the sky is over

363 words. none tagged. --- notes.

Tyberius had parted ways with his brother less than an hour ago and their conversation still rang in his head. He knew that Tiresias only wanted to make sure that he'd be all right. His crippled brother, forever needing babysat and kept safe, Tyberius thought, his lip raising in disgust. There wasn't anything that he hated more than someone doting over him. I'm not completely worthless, I can do things on my own. He also wasn't sure that Tiresias realized that he was different now. Something had happened to him, causing him to stop caring about anything and lie about everything. His ever-loving brother had tried to halt the process but there was no stopping the new personality that was moving in. When Tyberius parted from his brother, there was no sad goodbye from his end of the conversation. He was ready to leave, to strike out on his own.

The more he thought on it, the more he was happy he'd left Tiresias behind. Tyberius knew that his brother would be fine, and honestly, he wasn't all that worried about his brother anyway. He'd finally reached the lands of Amenti and even though he wasn't sure of his exact location, he scented wolves and was willing to join their pack, if they'd allow it. He and his brother had slowly learned the temperaments of each pack in Alacritis and Tyberius was certain that he'd at least be in good company with the Amenti wolves.

In his earlier conversation with Tiresias, his brother had mentioned the Battlefield, a place for wolves to fight for one to join their pack. Tyberius had laughed fit to burst. "They don't want half a wolf!" he'd said through his laughter. "I'd go out there and no one would care. Dead wolf walking."

He walked into the territory, his weird hopping gait sure to attract attention quickly. Tyberius snarled softly at the pain in his remaining hind leg. He'd been going through rough terrain to reach these lands and his muscles were tense from overuse. The male dropped to his haunches, ignoring the pain on his left side when the stump hit the ground. He then tilted his head back, releasing a long, low howl. Since I'm here, I might as well make myself known. Tyberius was almost certain that the alpha would arrive and turn him away. Rouge life wouldn't be half-bad, although he knew that Tiresias would try to find him, and would probably succeed. He wouldn't go hungry either way, that was for sure.
